SARS-CoV-2 Plots
Python, pandas, matplotlib, Tableau
Project to draw plots using the Swiss open government datasets collected on the OpenZH Github repository.
Covid_19Map of Weekly Confirmed Cases
Map of Weekly Deaths
Other visualizations on Tableau Public
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Plots
Python, pandas, matplotlib
Project to draw plots using the FOPH vaccination data.
FOPH_covid_19Blood cells
Python, pytorch, numpy, matplotlib
Classify blood cell images using a pretrained ResNet50 model as a feature extractor.
Python, pytorch, numpy, matplotlib
Classify fruit images using a pretrained VGG16 model as a feature extractor.
Fruits360Predict Future Sales
Python, pytorch, pandas, numpy, Tableau
This is my approach to the "Predict Future Sales" competition from Kaggle. The goal of the competition is to predict sales for different items for the next month based on past data.
PredictFutureSalesFace recognition
Python, opencv, dlib, face_recognition
Face recognition implementation which uses the face_recognition library to recognize people in a video based on photos of them.
Face_recDocument scanner
Python, opencv, pytesseract
Scan document and run optical character recognition to get raw text.
document-scannerMNIST GAN
Python, pytorch
A Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network which generates MNIST images to train a discriminator.
DC_GANAggregation of Dropout Subnetworks
Python, pytorch, LaTeX, numpy, pandas
My Bachelor's project consisted on working on the Dropout method used to reduce overfitting in artifical neural networks. Specifically, I tried to find a better way to aggregate the subnetworks that the Dropout technique creates by applying it at test time and comparing the accuracy between different aggregation techniques.
Python, pytorch, pandas, Tableau
This is my approach to the "Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster" competition from Kaggle. The goal of the competition is to predict which passengers survived the shipwreck.
Python, pandas
A small module to scrape Wikipedia tables and output Pandas dataframes.